Tech Manager Weekly by CTO Craft - Issue #138
This week’s issue is curated by Reuben Sutton, Head of Engineering at Plandek, the metrics platform which understands software delivery from idea to production.
As always, please forward this on to anyone you think would benefit from one or more of the articles! Here’s where you can sign up if you’re not already subscribed:
Reads of the Week

10 Ways To Be Kind To Your Developers Without Saying a Word
There’s a theme that emerges in my career as well as in the career of many developers that I know: complaints about the work environment. Tech companies and startups spend millions to make sure the…
Culture & People

How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias on Their Teams
Strategies to foster equity and inclusion

What Most Remote Companies Don’t Tell You About Remote Work
The CEO of Doist on isolation, anxiety, and depression in the remote workplace and what we’re doing about it.

Heroes and Juniors: Increasing Engineering Team Velocity
Ten years ago recruiting engineers was all about ninjas, rockstars and 10xers, and while many people made fun of those terms and the people who used them, almost no one questioned the underlying…
Leadership & Self-management

How To Be A Leader — For Someone Who Hasn’t Been A Leader Before.
Leadership can seem as though a person must be born with the wings of an angel. It can seem out of reach, difficult and not worth pursuing. I thought this once too. Becoming a leader was the last…

5 Bad Habits of Absolutely Ineffective Technology Managers
Barely a week goes by without at least one article or study bemoaning the things managers don’t know or do. They are the perennial punching bags in any industry, and software is no different. In…
Agile, Engineering & Product

The $10m engineering problem · Segment Blog
When evaluating the value of any business, one of the most important factors is the cost of goods sold (or COGS). For every dollar that a business makes, how many dollars does it cost to deliver?
This is the story of how Segment improved their gross margin by 20%

How we prioritise bug fixes on GOV.UK - Inside GOV.UK
Not long after the team formed, Platform Health had a huge list of bugs that was building up. On the one hand we needed to make the publishing pipeline more efficient and get a handle on our error alerting, but we also needed to ensure that the platform continued working for users. It really wasn’t clear which we should prioritise to fix first - we just trusted our instincts.
Zen and the Art of Software Maintenance
An interesting article relating Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance to Software

Organisational Dysfunctions Mirrored as Architectural Complexity
We have come to acknowledge in recent years that there is a strong relationship between the design of a software architecture and the shape of the organisation it is developed by. Within this broad…
What Else?

Ramsey Nasser — قلب
A programming language exploring the role of human culture in coding. Code is written entirely in Arabic, highlighting cultural biases of computer science and challenging the assumptions we make about programming.
That’s it!
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Have an amazing week!
Reuben @ Plandek